August 29th...
It will forever be one of the MOST important dates for us. Nohli's Birthday.
I can't believe we have shared 365 days with HER.
To celebrate her FIRST B-Day we headed up north to her Grandparent's house.
We packed the car. Grandma Clara and her cousin Noelya came with us. We actually ran out of gas on the way there, just a few miles from our destination.
Papa thought we could make it, but not QUITE. A very nice lady got us some gas, and we made it there (a few minutes later than expected).
There was lots of work to do to get ready for the PARTY. The weather said it would rain, but we remained positive.
We cleaned the pool, made gift bags, picked out balloons, Grandma made her famous Dominican style cake, we even made a huge fake cake complete with her favorite animal: THE DUCK!

Nohli in her B-Day dress with Mama.
Grandma Clara brought her dress from DR. They both looked Beautiful

The Day before her B-Day, we enjoyed a great beach day at Pirates Cove.
Here's Nohli playing with her shadow.

Nohli at the front door, waiting for guests to arrive.

Nohli isn't scared to the waves at the beach anymore.
She walks right in, and the NH water ain't warm!

Papa gives Nohli a ride in the front yard

Clara & Mama worked hard baking, and decorating the cake

Mama cafefully frosts the "fake cake". She is an artist with frosting. HA

Nohli loved her balloons. Here she play with them the day after the party.

Olive and Sarah came to PARTY

Holt-Dog, Mama, Triple B with the SPECIAL girl

Jen Jen & Nohli at Rye Harbor

Clariza and Indira decorating the living room. The place looked GREAT!

A little B-Day wrestling with Tia Jen Jen

1 YEAR! Throw up your 1's.

Saying good bye to our NH fam before we headed back to NY

The girlie with Mama and Brad

Even with the rain, it was a great birthday party. Thank you to every one who helped make it possible. Thanks to everyone who made the trip from NY. Nohli had a great time.