It's been almost a month since the last post. Funny it feels even longer.
Our Lil Family Vacation, no scratch that Our Lil family Adventure (that's better, I don't believe vacations exist when youre traveling with a 6-month old. True Story. Ha.) was lots of fun. We bounced all over the North shore of Dominican Republic from Copey to Punta Cana and everywhere in between.
Here's how it went down...
We left ice cold New York at 6am via Nohli's favorite airline, JetBlue. The flight was full. Lots of babies too. Nohli behaved great. She spent her time sleeping and staring out the window. We got into sunny Santiago around breakfast time, and were greeted by Grandma Clara.
We left ice cold New York at 6am via Nohli's favorite airline, JetBlue. The flight was full. Lots of babies too. Nohli behaved great. She spent her time sleeping and staring out the window. We got into sunny Santiago around breakfast time, and were greeted by Grandma Clara.
We spent the next 2 days in Santiago. Shopping... Eating good eats.... Playin Dominos.... Hittin up El Provocon (the best fast food chix ever!) Then we headed east to Punta Cana! We made a pit stop in Santo Domingo. We spent a power-less night there (fightin off mosquitos! Oh and it was pouring rain too! Oh yeah and we fought off baby eating red ants as well!), we left bright n early on the bus to PC. 6 hours later (Nohli was incredible. She made lots of friends and learned to clap her hands on the way.) we arrived at the RIU, just around check-in time. Bring on the all inclusive life and bottom-less beers!!! We ate. We drank. We changed dipers. We swam. We made fun of the Euros. Nohli wasn't really feeling the cool pool-water at first, but after a sloooow dip, she transformed into a petite Daryl Hannah from SPLASH. Her first tropical beach experience started with a few cries. She didn't really didn't like the sand at first. She would scream every time her little toes touched it. But it wasn't long before she was walking (with some assistance) and playing in the sand(She really wanted to eat it too). Punta Cana has this beautiful, almost feathery-soft, white sand as well as lake-like calm crystal clear water. We walked the beach for what felt like miles. And witnessed a few colorful sun sets. We tried to find our friend Jane who was staying at a resort not to far from us. We snuck into her resort, but no luck. Next time JANE! We bought Nohli a KidCo PeaPod Plus (basically a little tent). We used it on the beach and she slept in it at night to avoid the mosquitos. Nohli did 3 huge mosquitos bites in the capital. There were a few days were it looked like she went 10 rounds with We-Man (Still looked cute! ha). Me and Clariza hit the swim-up bar hard one sunny afternoon. After an hour or so at the bar, Grandma brought Nohli to meet us. She was the star of the bar for the rest of the day. Punta Cana was wonderful. The weather was perfect. The RIU was great as usual. I did some snorkeling. Clariza dominated in dominos. She beat me 11 to 4 on 1 night. Ouch. (DomiNoah cried himself to sleep that night). After 3 days in paradise, we headed back to the capital for a quick lay over. Guess what? No POWER again! Then back to Santiago.
I love the pics! Can't wait to read more. I know the trip got much more exciting once tia jen jen arrived:)
How is our Brooklyn Babe??? I know everyone is waiting anxiously for the next installment. I think a lot more people enjoy it but don't let you guys know how much. We love you!!
Simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. I am so impressed with you guys. I get nervous traveling to the local store with Ever. He is not a fan of his car seat and it's the only time that he cries uncontrollably. He's learning about toys though and they keep him occupied for a few moments. Maybe when he can face front it will be better. Major Kudos to you guys!!
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