I wanna take the time to thank all you readers for keeping up with Nohli's blog. Its always nice to hear you say that you read about Nohli's adventures. One of the reasons we started this blog 10 months ago was to let our friends and family see what Nohli was up to. Especially those of you that are not able to keep in close touch. One of the nice things that has come up when talking to some of you about the blog, is how nice it will be for Nohli to see the pictures and to read the words written on here. Well, yes....its true! I know i would have loved to have read about my 1st year. Whats nice is that she will get to read about what she has done thru our entries but she will also get to read what YOU GUYS have written in the COMMENT section. Both Noah and I have gotten alot of feedback from you guys (personally) BUT it would be great if you can leave comments on HERE also so that NOHLI can read these at a later date....You dont have to sign up to anything, there is an annonymous title you can use if you dont have an existing google account. Thats perfectly ok to do bc you can just add your name to the end of your comment (or not, lol!) I hope its not too much to ask. Your words are GREATLY APPRECIATED by OUR FAMILY! Thank you guys again for being a part of Nohli's life. XXO!!!
Nohli has the sweetest smile! Can't wait to see you all again the next time you're up!
Thank u Chase Family....Nohli luvs Olive. cant wait to play n steal food!LOL!xxo!!!
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