Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Quick Commercial Break Sponsored by Apple Photo Booth

4 Square w/ Papa and Nohli

Hollywood Squares Starring Nohli

Our sunshine (even on rainy days)

Can you guess who these pics are?
Here's a hint they aren't lil Nohli

The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement. Karl R. Popper (1902-1994)

Today was Nohli's 3rd visit to the pediatrician.  As always I fear the visits.  Not bc of a diagnostic fear but bc of the subject of vaccination.  We are up in arms about this vaccines business.  You read things all the time, on the news, on blogs, in health magazines etc...You just dont know.  Our generation has so many more outlets of information than past generations did.  Before you did what your doctor said.  the medical field was never one you questioned.  Research, Testing, and Malpractice suits later- you dont know what to believe.  Our pediatrician is a pretty cool doctor.  He's a bit old school, but he's hip on new ways of thinking.  He suggested we pick up a couple books to help us make a more educated decision on the direction we wanted to go in as far as vaccinating Nohli.  Pat got us Dr.Sear's Vaccine book.  I read it front to back and found it pretty easy to read and understand.  Its pretty basic.  Tells you the vaccines that are "required" what they are for, when they should be administered.  Why u need them, whats in them and possible side affects.  He gives u his opinion about each one.  Keep in mind he lets u know early on he agrees with the AAP.  So he never actually says "dont give that vaccine"  On each visit our DR suggest a scheduled vaccine.  So far we have declined each time...I feel like we are running out of time.  I think I will try n do a bit more research b4 our next visit.   On more pleasant news, we are happy to report that at almost 9weeks of age Nohli came in weighing 12lbs! and 24"  She is healthy and growing rapidly!
Tomorrow we leave for NH.  We are spending Halloween in Rye.  Going to a parade and trick-or-treating on Friday!!  This is Nohli's 1st Halloween and already she has a costume ready.  I wont tell u what it is, but I will give you a clue ITS GREEN!  check back for pix from that.  
I would like to say thank you to all the friends and family who have been reading and commenting on the blog.  And a very special shout out to our friends Aasha and Jesse in LA who are expecting their first child in just a few weeks!  We luv u guys n wish you all the best! xxo!!!

Last night Nohli watched the the Celts (the Champs) play the Cavs in the first game of the season.  It was also her first basketball game (many more to follow).

Just a typical night at the Simo Von Ritter's. 
Papa CEOah, Nohli, and King James 

The Turtle and The Monkey
BFFs for life!


Monday, October 27, 2008


New Baby Gap Jeans from Abuela
Mama's friend Marilyn
Kiara  and Noemi aka Memee
The Lovely Cassandra

BBQ Much?...

Happy Monday EveryBody!  Hope you had a great weekend.  As for us lets talk about overstimulation!...Yesterday we hosted yet another autumn BBQ.  It was a celebration of Nohli's 2 months on earth, and a reunion of sorts too!  The boys who attended were the usual suspects, and the girls were HS friends who had NOT seen each other in years.  It was fantastic to catch up!  There were some cute kids who attended too!  Noemi, Cassandra, Ralphie, and of course Miss Kiara who happened to be the only teenager around.  Overall we had a great time.  Thanks to Grandma Clara and  TiTi Indira for helping out with the cleaning and cooking! Shout out to Jared and his Giants..thanks for keeping the couch warm(EARLY!) and winning a game!  
As for Nohli, she was in a rare mood....overstimulated by all the goings on.  Mainly frustrated from lack of naps.  Her nightime sleep wasnt much better either as she was fussy all night.   This morning we realized why- her tummy!  While changing her diaper,  we had projectile poop shoot our way! She topped that off with some fresh and warm pee!  A change of clothes was in order for baby and adults!!!  She instantly felt better and napped with her dad.  They looked peaceful and beautiful together. Pucci joined the twins as well.  It was cute, Papa, Baby and Puppy.  One new thing we have noticed with Nohli is at about 8/9am every morning she wakes up-eats and stays up for about 3ominutes just playing with us...She kicks, screams (with joy) smiles, tries to talk..its all very cute.  She has such strong legs!  Im thinking SOCCER!  Its wonderful to start the morning with a very happy baby cheering you on first thing.  Even tho, some people may say that carrying your baby around all day spoils them...and even tho Nohli does not like being by herself awake or asleep...I cant stand to hear our baby cry, and feel
 unhappy.  If that means she is spoiled then...sorry!  For now thats just the way its gotta be.  We are first time parents and what that means is ALOT of advice from EVERYONE...but mainly we just learn on our own along the way.  If Nohli could speak she would say that aside from her painful gas, she is a very happy baby.  She knows the love her parents have for her.  And she is thankful and blessed by all the other people in her life that give her kisses, cuddles, and more love! ......Thanks to Clara P, Joselyn, and Marilyn for coming thru yesterday! XXO!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

2 Months Strong!

One of the biggest changes that occurs after you have a child is how quickly the time passes.  It feels like only yesterday we were living in Crown Heights baby-less.  Now we got this big 2month old princess.  I'm sure Nohli still looks small to most people, but to me, she is already so big and grown-up.  So much has changed in such a short time.  Everyday I can see little things in her that weren't there even a few days ago.  Her eye lashes seem to be growing the fastest.  They are so long and beautiful and already beginning to curl.  Her neck is so strong. She is always looking around, checking out her scenery.  She loves to stare at the fan in the living room and likes to watch the colors on the TV.  She loves the outside and is very curious of the lights of the city.  She continues to be a perfect little lady in public (no one believes she ever crys, if they only knew. Ha).  She loves the be with her parents especially on trips to the big city.  She loves her morning bonding time in bed.  She kicks her feet and smiles at her Mom and Dad.  Sometimes she even lets out these cute little screams that sound like a mix between monkey and dolphin sounds.  

This weekend we will be celebrating her first 2 months of life with a BBQ in Bed Stuy. And thank God the skies have cleared and it looks like we will have a beautiful day.

The BDay Girl about to open her gift from Papa 
(a day early Mom couldn't wait to see what it was)

Nohli sporting her new Outfit. 

Hard at work in the kitchen.  Nohli helped Clariza make some delicious tacos.  Hopefully soon, Nohli can be doing the dishes as Mom cooks. Together they can transform 
to this crazy 4-armed kitchen robot.

Feliz Cumpleanos LULA!!!

Asleep @  PEARL OYSTER  BAR w papa

Auntie Chantille

Auntie Vanessa, Cairo, Nohli and Papa



Friday was Lula's 1st birthday and our last day with Renee's off we went to experience our last day on borrowed wheels.  Our 1st stop was the west village.  We made a quick stop at Caliente Cab for some apps. Nohli also ate there.  Then we headed to Babies R Us for some diapers a new blanky and a couple of trinkets.  On our way back to downtown we stopped by Pearl Restaurant. Just in the nick of time we sat at the bar.  As soon as we sat down Nohli passed out. We had the best Lobster Rolls EVER!!! Amazing pan seared scallops with beets carrots n potatoes, and some yummy fried oysters.  Hands down the best restaurant made seafood i have had in FOREVER!  After finishing the pear blackberry pie (a'la mode) we headed to BK.  Lula's 1st bday!!! So much fun, Nohli was up and in great spirits.  Everyone was impressed at how "well behaved" she was.  How grown she looked for a (just turned) 2 month old, and how well she can hold her head..She got to see her lil cousin Cairo and some more grown up friends....Alot to do on your 2month birthday anniversary, but if u dont already know....Thats how we Roll!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ive been meaning to post this announcement...better late than never right? 
Well i would like to say WELCOME BABY! to PEYTON ANTONIA DENNIS....she was born on October 14, 2008 @ 5:10pm coming in at 7.5lbs 20"long!   A healthy and beautiful baby.  We had to post this being that Peyton and Nohli will probably be great friends. Her mom Nicole and I share a birthday (which is coming up soon, shhh!).  Shout out to Nicole who did a great job delivering Peyton!  Congrats to the whole Dennis family!

Loving Memories.....

Nohli with GreatGrandma Babi
Bedside w GreatGrandPa Eddie
Tired of partying w Ariana @ White Star
Letting her parents have some fun
With the Birthday Girl and Mama thinkin about SLEEP...

We took a day trip up to Westerly R.I to visit with great grandpapa Eddie and Babi.  Eddie isnt doing very well health wise and so we decided to bring him some feel better Nohli Rio medicine.  He couldnt stop saying how beautiful she was.  According to Papa Eddie she is the most beautiful baby he has ever seen!  Babi was very sweet and made her grandson's favorite dish (by her) Chicken and Dumplins.  She gave me the recipe a few months back and I have yet to attempt to make it.  Maybe for Thanksgiving?  Anyways, we got home early evening and got ready for Ariana's bday soiree....Ari looked beautiful as always, after tempting Nohli with her nip slips she finally settled down long enuff to take a few party pix with us.  We think she had a great BIRTHDAY!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Life Lessons #1

Devil Rays 3, Red Sox 1
Last Night Nohli learned a valuable lesson...
You can't win them all, all the time!
It looks like Nohli will have to wait 1 more year
to get her first World Series ring.
Shout out to Dean Guttenplan of the Bronx
aka Mr Mandean and his Third Place Yankees for all the support in our Game 5 comeback.
Keep your head up Boy Boy! You can learn a lot by ch-ch-checkin' our swagga!

Mom and Nohli sporting the 09 Champs Gear

Nohli hard at work. 
I told her she needs to have a job by weeks end. 
She is exhausted from sending out resumes. 
Anyone know any job openings, please hit her on her office line.

Nohli Rio The Turtle: So Fresh So Clean
She used to hate baths, now she love 'em.

Nohli and her parents are breaking up North for a quick day trip to see her Great-Grandpa, Eddie.
He's feeling a little sick so Dr. Nohli going try to breath some more life into him.
Back in Brooklyn tomorrow
See you SOON Great-Grand parents

Friday, October 17, 2008


Nohli is not one of these nerdy bloggers that over post.
Here is some pics that slipped thru the cracks over the last 2 weeks

Jamil and Nohli at LOLLI (JR coming soon!)

Moma, Lil Big Bird, and Nohli (Back at the birth center for her 3rd time)

Tia Jen Jen and Nohli

The Bollmeyer Girls (Barbara, Krazy Karen, and Nelly) with Moms and Nohli

Nohli hangin with her new orange friends.  They roll deep.

Pucci aka The Black Fox (Still the first child and a great big sis)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This week, a little less than 7 weeks into in life, Nohli has officially made her first power move. Meaning: She is growing TOO quickly.  Her diapers formly a size Zero (0) are now a size 1.  Nohli rocks the chlorine free "Seventh Generation's". And her size in most clothes has jumped up to 3 to 6 months from New Born.  Damn that Milky GOOD!  Slow Down Baby, Baby.

Also tonight, Nohli woke up from a dead sleep, just as Big Papi's SMASHED a 3-Run Blast to begin the Red Sox's incredible 7 run comeback to win the game, and stay alive in the American League Championship Series.  Big Dominican Thanks to David Ortiz.  Probably just a coincidence , but Nohli did already witness a Celtic's Championship from inside the belly. Winning could be in her blood.

Nohli wanted to post this pic as a joke. "Women for McCain" Haha!  FYI: All these signs were not ripped off McCain supporters lawns, they were purchased at the Washed Up Politicians Store in Portsmouth, NH.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Overstimulating Rye

Nohli with her papa and her grandparents
At the Pumpkin Patch with mama and grandmama

Its already Wednesday!  This week is just flying by.  This weekend was quite eventful for us.  And by "us" I mean, Nohli, Noah, Myself, My Mom, Indira, Noelya, Noemi, Alcatraz, Wayne, Patricia, and Jen Jen...oh yeah and lets not forget Pucci, Martini and Bella!  We left Friday at about 12:30pm (from BK).  Traffic was SO BAD that it took us about 7hrs instead of 4.5hrs to get to Rye, NH.  It was the worse traffic we have ever come across in all our New England travels.  Nohli and Pucci behaved very well the whole 7hr car ride up there.  Noah and I were very impressed with our lil girl!  It was so nice to have the grandparents and aunties and cousins together under one very large!  We had some great dinners again.  And since the lobster prices have gone to $3.99 for 1pound lobsters we had to have a lobster dinner!  It was yummy.  Noah's ROSEMARY BUTTER really gives the lobster an amazing flavor.  Noelya felt bad about seeing the lobsters alive and then eating them so she passed on the food.  But then after hearing the lip smacking at the table she requested some lobster and LUVED IT!  
Nohli went for a few walks with her grandparents Patricia and Wayne...they also watched her one night as us kids went to downtown Portsmouth for some drinks and darts at the Coat of Arms.  We met up with Godfather Bradley there too!  It was fun.  I had forgotten how yummy the Jameson and Gingers are.  But only ONE for me! LOL!  Anyways- we also visited the outlets in Kittery and the Pumpkin Patch at the church lawn in Portsmouth. It was great seeing Georgeanna and Elsie as always...So much happened-Im gonna have to include another post later on with more pix.... 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


NOHLI takes the Manhattan Bridge in....
and the Wiburg Bridge Home

Tompkins Square Park


Steak at Lucien (Nohli's 3rd Trip to Manhattan)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Up Up & Away!!

Its Hump Day!! And I have my 6 week postpartum doctor visit!!!! Im super excited..My appointment is at 2pm at the Birthing Center. Noah & Nohli will accompany me. And, hopefully our midwife Yuliya will be there and Nohli can see her! This wont be a long post as I need to take the time to get myself ready...Getting ready takes alot longer these days (for obvious reasons). But I will give you grandparents and friends our there your daily dose of Nohli pix. Oh, and Nohli would like to give a special milk filled shout out to TiTi-Jen-Jen for loaning her the cute blue n yellow striped VINTAGE Petit Bateau footed Jumper. Its cozy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

O Baby Obama

Me and Nohli watched the Presidential debate on Tuesday night. Nohli didn't last long, Senator McCain's responses put her to sleep quicker than 30 minutes of breast feeding. I wonder what will happen come November. This is the most important election I have ever voted in, and the fact that I now have a daughter adds even more meaning to my vote for change. SPECIAL REMINDER TO THOSE IN SWING STATES (LIKE NEW HAMPSHIRE) PLEASE VOTE OBAMA!