One of the biggest changes that occurs after you have a child is how quickly the time passes. It feels like only yesterday we were living in Crown Heights baby-less. Now we got this big 2month old princess. I'm sure Nohli still looks small to most people, but to me, she is already so big and grown-up. So much has changed in such a short time. Everyday I can see little things in her that weren't there even a few days ago. Her eye lashes seem to be growing the fastest. They are so long and beautiful and already beginning to curl. Her neck is so strong. She is always looking around, checking out her scenery. She loves to stare at the fan in the living room and likes to watch the colors on the TV. She loves the outside and is very curious of the lights of the city. She continues to be a perfect little lady in public (no one believes she ever crys, if they only knew. Ha). She loves the be with her parents especially on trips to the big city. She loves her morning bonding time in bed. She kicks her feet and smiles at her Mom and Dad. Sometimes she even lets out these cute little screams that sound like a mix between monkey and dolphin sounds.
This weekend we will be celebrating her first 2 months of life with a BBQ in Bed Stuy. And thank God the skies have cleared and it looks like we will have a beautiful day.

The BDay Girl about to open her gift from Papa
(a day early Mom couldn't wait to see what it was)

Nohli sporting her new Outfit.

Hard at work in the kitchen. Nohli helped Clariza make some delicious tacos. Hopefully soon, Nohli can be doing the dishes as Mom cooks. Together they can transform
to this crazy 4-armed kitchen robot.
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