Thursday, October 16, 2008


This week, a little less than 7 weeks into in life, Nohli has officially made her first power move. Meaning: She is growing TOO quickly.  Her diapers formly a size Zero (0) are now a size 1.  Nohli rocks the chlorine free "Seventh Generation's". And her size in most clothes has jumped up to 3 to 6 months from New Born.  Damn that Milky GOOD!  Slow Down Baby, Baby.

Also tonight, Nohli woke up from a dead sleep, just as Big Papi's SMASHED a 3-Run Blast to begin the Red Sox's incredible 7 run comeback to win the game, and stay alive in the American League Championship Series.  Big Dominican Thanks to David Ortiz.  Probably just a coincidence , but Nohli did already witness a Celtic's Championship from inside the belly. Winning could be in her blood.

Nohli wanted to post this pic as a joke. "Women for McCain" Haha!  FYI: All these signs were not ripped off McCain supporters lawns, they were purchased at the Washed Up Politicians Store in Portsmouth, NH.

1 comment:

The Truth said...

no offense to NH, but i see that you are proudly using a Vermont product to take care of all your little ones most important movements... ha, ha. i'm from Vermont and i do what i want.

all the best to the three of you.