Monday, October 27, 2008

BBQ Much?...

Happy Monday EveryBody!  Hope you had a great weekend.  As for us lets talk about overstimulation!...Yesterday we hosted yet another autumn BBQ.  It was a celebration of Nohli's 2 months on earth, and a reunion of sorts too!  The boys who attended were the usual suspects, and the girls were HS friends who had NOT seen each other in years.  It was fantastic to catch up!  There were some cute kids who attended too!  Noemi, Cassandra, Ralphie, and of course Miss Kiara who happened to be the only teenager around.  Overall we had a great time.  Thanks to Grandma Clara and  TiTi Indira for helping out with the cleaning and cooking! Shout out to Jared and his Giants..thanks for keeping the couch warm(EARLY!) and winning a game!  
As for Nohli, she was in a rare mood....overstimulated by all the goings on.  Mainly frustrated from lack of naps.  Her nightime sleep wasnt much better either as she was fussy all night.   This morning we realized why- her tummy!  While changing her diaper,  we had projectile poop shoot our way! She topped that off with some fresh and warm pee!  A change of clothes was in order for baby and adults!!!  She instantly felt better and napped with her dad.  They looked peaceful and beautiful together. Pucci joined the twins as well.  It was cute, Papa, Baby and Puppy.  One new thing we have noticed with Nohli is at about 8/9am every morning she wakes up-eats and stays up for about 3ominutes just playing with us...She kicks, screams (with joy) smiles, tries to talk..its all very cute.  She has such strong legs!  Im thinking SOCCER!  Its wonderful to start the morning with a very happy baby cheering you on first thing.  Even tho, some people may say that carrying your baby around all day spoils them...and even tho Nohli does not like being by herself awake or asleep...I cant stand to hear our baby cry, and feel
 unhappy.  If that means she is spoiled then...sorry!  For now thats just the way its gotta be.  We are first time parents and what that means is ALOT of advice from EVERYONE...but mainly we just learn on our own along the way.  If Nohli could speak she would say that aside from her painful gas, she is a very happy baby.  She knows the love her parents have for her.  And she is thankful and blessed by all the other people in her life that give her kisses, cuddles, and more love! ......Thanks to Clara P, Joselyn, and Marilyn for coming thru yesterday! XXO!!!


The Truth said...

attending to your child as soon as they cry is not spoiling them no matter what anyone says. it is called attachment parenting and some people swear by it while others for some reason feel there is a better lesson for an infant to cry it out. if they could speak i think they would say what they need/want so until they can at least give you a hint of what they need/want i think it is wonderful that you attend to her as soon as she cries.


Nohli Rio said...

Well thank u very much for the support...there are so many things one hears even from the initial onset of parenthood. sometimes we doubt if we r doing the best for our child. But in all reality, you learn something new everyday. The one thing we dont question is the enormous luv we have for our baby! Cant wait for your lil one!

Joselyn said...

You almost brought a tear to my eyes reading this...just hearing you speak so lovingly about Nohli's poop is so endearing! & in regards to the advice...its just that! Keep enjoying getting to know your beautiful baby! XOXO...Jos